Forest carbon stock and livelihood opportunities under the CBFM Project in Midwestern Leyte Province, Philippines
environmental services, forest carbon, rewards, livelihood opportunities, CBFM ProjectAbstract
The study assessed the carbon stocks or storage within the Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Project in Midwestern Leyte Province. The CBFM project area stored an average carbon density of 333 Mg/ha from aboveground biomass down to the soil complex (0-1m depth). The upperstorey biomass has an average carbon density of 166 Mg/ha while 1.94 Mg/ha for the understorey biomass. In addition, floor litter carbon density ranged from 1.38 Mg/ha to 2.75 Mg/ha, root carbon density from 11.0 to 17.4, and soil carbon density from 111 to 221 Mg/ha.
The huge amount of carbon stored under the CBFM project is a potential livelihood opportunity for the local people. Several organizations are interested in carbon offset projects where huge amount of fund is involved – a situation where both farmers and the environment would be benefited.
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