Annals of Tropical Research 

The Annals of Tropical Research (Ann. Trop. Res.) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal of Visayas State University. Since its establishment in 1979, ATR has been committed to disseminating scientific findings from research and development initiatives in tropical upland, lowland, and marine ecosystems. The journal showcases original findings from local and international research on various topics in agriculture, ecology, animal health, natural resource management, biomedicine, and health sciences. ATR welcomes submissions of original papers, review papers, research notes, perspectives, and letters to the editor for potential publication.

ISSN: 2704-3541 (Online)

ISSN: 0116-0710 (Print)

Distribution : Open Access (Online First)

Frequency: Published semi-annualy (June and December)

Message from the Editor

We are glad to announce the launching of the new ATR website ( Our new upgraded ATR website features several technical and aesthetic enhancements including a robust yet user-friendly submission-to-publication platform.

Since its inception (Vol. 1, Issue 1) in 1979 to its current publication (Vol. 46, Issue 2), the ATR has gone through various stages of development and challenges making the journal what it is today. The Visayas State University is committed to elevate our journal's performance and quality at par with international standards and in keeping the ATR up to date with the ever-evolving demands for relevance and sustainability. 

About the Journal


Current Issue

Vol. 46 No. 2 (2024)
					View Vol. 46 No. 2 (2024)
Published: 2025-01-18

Research Article

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Annals of Tropical Research 

The Annals of Tropical Research (Ann. Trop. Res.) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal of Visayas State University. Since its establishment in 1979, ATR has been committed to disseminating scientific findings from research and development initiatives in tropical upland, lowland, and marine ecosystems. The journal showcases original findings from local and international research on various topics in agriculture, ecology, animal health, natural resource management, biomedicine, and health sciences. ATR welcomes submissions of original papers, review papers, research notes, perspectives, and letters to the editor for potential publication.

ISSN: 2704-3541 (Online)

ISSN: 0116-0710 (Print)

Distribution : Open Access (Online First)

Frequency: Published semi-annualy (June and December)

Message from the Editor

We are glad to announce the launching of the new ATR website ( Our new upgraded ATR website features several technical and aesthetic enhancements including a robust yet user-friendly submission-to-publication platform.

Since its inception (Vol. 1, Issue 1) in 1979 to its current publication (Vol. 46, Issue 2), the ATR has gone through various stages of development and challenges making the journal what it is today. The Visayas State University is committed to elevate our journal's performance and quality at par with international standards and in keeping the ATR up to date with the ever-evolving demands for relevance and sustainability.