Mineral Nutrition of Abaca (Musa textilis Née) Planted under Coconut and Rainforestation Production Systems
abaca-based agroecosystem, rainforestation, soil nutrient, critical nutrient concentrationAbstract
The allocation of nutrients within the abaca plant is of interest, as it determines the amounts which may be removed from the farm, returned to the soil in dead plant part, and available for re-translocation to subsequent generations of suckers. Hence, the study was conducted to investigate the level of nutrition among abaca plants grown under diversified multi-strata agroecosystems and to understand the pattern of abaca nutrient uptake planted under coconut and Rainforestation production systems.
In the abaca–coconut agroecosystem, results show that availability of macronutrients from different blocks demonstrates a high degree of significant differences (p≤0.01) within 0-30cm soil depth. These differences can be attributed to the history of land uses, farmer’s management practice and soil the type. On the other hand, it can be concluded that the trees planted under the Rainforestation system plays a significant role in the nutrient fluxes and the improvement of soil acidity. This is due to the fact that trees function as “nutrient-pumps”. Therefore, integrating abaca under the Rainforestation system is a best option.
Finally, it is not enough and safe to conclude that the low nutrient concentration in abaca leaves is due to low nutrient in the soil concentration solution since the standard values for abaca is still unknown. Thus, using the results for diagnosing nutrient deficiencies is insufficient.
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