Volume 5 No. 1 January – March 1983

Effect of Methods of Placement and Rate of Leucaena Leaves Application of Taro

Joselito A. Payot, Sergio E. Abit and Luvimin A. Evangelio ABSTRACT Depth of placement of ipil-ipil herbage failed to give significant effect on all agronomic and yield characters of upland taro. However, rates of fertilizer application significantly influenced the parameters tested. In general, the agronomic and yield parameters increased with an increase in ipil-ipil herbage

Effect of Methods of Placement and Rate of Leucaena Leaves Application of Taro Read More »

Factors Affecting Household Demand for Sweet Potato in Two Regions of the Philippines

Jose M. Alkuino, Jr ABSTRACT Factors affecting the demand for sweet potato were determined through a consumer survey of 1200 households from 2 regions of the Philippines. Using the regression technique, the demand functions were generated and the demand coefficients estimated. Separate regression analysis was made using the double log form for low income and

Factors Affecting Household Demand for Sweet Potato in Two Regions of the Philippines Read More »

Genetic Variability in Clonal Populations of Java Citronella Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt

K.K.Singh and N.K. Gupta ABSTRACT The nature and extent of variability and heritability were estimated in clonal populations of Java citronella, Cymbdpogon winterianus Jowitt. wide range of variability was observed. Genotypic variability varied between 0.02 for oil content and 10519.17 for yield of green herb. High genotypic variability was usually associated with high genotypic coefficient

Genetic Variability in Clonal Populations of Java Citronella Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt Read More »

Cultural Management Studies on Upland Taro: Effects of Cultivation Systems on Growth and Yield of Taro and Incidence of Associated Weeds

J.R. Pardales, Jr and F.G. Villamayor, Jr ABSTRACT Two croppings were conducted to determine the effects of 2 levels of land preparation and different post planting cultivation systems on the performance of upland taro and weed incidence. Plowing and harrowing once or twice with a carabao-drawn plow resulted in the same corm yield. The vegetative

Cultural Management Studies on Upland Taro: Effects of Cultivation Systems on Growth and Yield of Taro and Incidence of Associated Weeds Read More »

Resource Productivity Estimates on Lowland Rice Farms in Baybay, Leyte

Pedro T. Armenia ABSTRACT Estimates using the Cobb-Douglas production function indicate that aside from irrigation; land tenure, type of farming and farm size had no significant effect in improving the technological efficiency in both dry and wet seasons. The significant effect of irrigation in improving the productivity of resource-use was attributed to the adequacy of

Resource Productivity Estimates on Lowland Rice Farms in Baybay, Leyte Read More »

Insect Pests Associated with Winged Bean in Ghana

Kwame Afreh-Nuamah ABSTRACT Insects associated with 17 varieties of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) at preflowering and post-flowering are presented. Based on the study, the most serious insect pests were the thrips Taeniothrips sp., which sucked the plant sap and caused the followers to and shrivel; green soldier bug, Nezara viridula Linn., and bean pyramid Maruca

Insect Pests Associated with Winged Bean in Ghana Read More »

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