Growth and Yield of Sweet Potato As Influenced by Different Potassium Levels in Three Soil Types

Anabella T. Bautista and Rebecco M. Santiago


Both silt loam and sandy loam media were significantly superior than clay loam in enhancing the length of vines and increasing the number of nodes and branches produced on the primary vines of sweet potato plant. Plants grown in silt loam produced the highest average weight of marketable tubers at 0.499 kg/pot, while those in clay loam had the lowest (0.453 kg/pot). In general, there was an increased response of sweet potato as the potassium levels in the soil were increased. This was manifested by longer vines, more nodes produced on the primary vines, and more secondary branches. The highest weight of marketable tubers (0.5688 kg/pot) was obtained 01 600 ppm K, while the lowest (0.3606 kg/pot) in the control. Interaction effects of soil types and potassium levels were significant on the growth and yield of sweet potato. Interactions between silt loam and sandy loam media with the 4 potassium levels were found to be significantly better than the interaction effects of clay loam and the 4 potassium levels.

Keywords: Sweet potato. Soil type. Sandy loam. Clay loam. Silt loam. Soil fertility. Potassium level. Growth and yield.

Annals of Tropical Research 3 (3):(1981)
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