Volume 30 No. 1 January – June 2008

Research Note: Stream water quality of a Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM)-protected watershed in Baybay, Leyte, Philippines

Arturo E. Pasa ABSTRACT The study assessed the quality of stream water of the watershed within the Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) Project in Cienda, Gabas, Baybay, Leyte, Philippines. Results showed that, on the average, streamflow velocity was 0.30m/sec, streamflow volume 0.32m3/sec, turbidity 2.96 ntu and the associated sediments 16.0mg/ L. Odor and taste were unobjectionable. […]

Research Note: Stream water quality of a Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM)-protected watershed in Baybay, Leyte, Philippines Read More »

Research Note: Coverage of climate change risks in leading Philippine newspapers

Rick-Angelo Piamonte and Rotacio S. Gravoso ABSTRACT The study aimed to find out the coverage of climate change risks in Philippine leading newspapers – Philippine Daily Inquirer, Philippine Star, and Manila Bulletin. The sample issues were from those published from January to December 2007. Results showed that the sample newspaper issues had 401 articles on

Research Note: Coverage of climate change risks in leading Philippine newspapers Read More »

Research Note: Optimizing wheat productivity through improved techniques for in situ moisture conservation in a micro watershed under sub-tropical region of North-Western India

Sanjay Arora1 and M.S. Hadda2 ABSTRACT The sub-montane rainfed region of North-West India has sloping topography, poor soil structure, deep water table and suffers from uneven distribution of rainfall in space and time. In a on-farm experiment on wheat conducted in the foothill region of Punjab, soil moisture storage increased to 7.7, 12.8 and 15.4

Research Note: Optimizing wheat productivity through improved techniques for in situ moisture conservation in a micro watershed under sub-tropical region of North-Western India Read More »

Appropriation of the information and communications technologies by farmers and extension workers in Borongan, Eastern Samar

Ulderico B. Alviola and Editha G. Cagasan ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe how the information and communication technologies (ICTs) are being appropriated or adapted by farmers and extension workers to fit their day-to-day activities and to find out the consequences of using ICTs from the point of view of farmers and extension workers. This

Appropriation of the information and communications technologies by farmers and extension workers in Borongan, Eastern Samar Read More »

Effects of mechanical factors on the peeling of cassava

Jesus G. Sagragao1 and Daniel Leslie S. Tan2 ABSTRACT This study was conducted to determine the effects of the clearance distance angular speed and direction of rotation of the rollers to the mechanical peeling of cassava. A device consisting of two furrowed rollers with straight corrugations about 2 mm deep, lever root presser and driving

Effects of mechanical factors on the peeling of cassava Read More »

Pollen morphology and their viability of some Indian mangroves

Suparna Gupta1 , Arunima Ghosh1, Subrata Maity1 and Sauren Das2 ABSTRACT A study on pollen morphology of four common Indian mangroves from Sundarbans mangrove swamps, three species from the family Rhizophoraceae (Bruguiera sexangular Laur., Ceriops tagal Perr. and Rhizophora mucronate Lamk.) and one species from the family Avicenniaceae (Avicennia marina Forsk.) was carried out. Shape

Pollen morphology and their viability of some Indian mangroves Read More »

Altitudinal distribution of skinks along Cantubias Ridge of Mt. Pangasugan, Baybay, Leyte

Litlen P. Dapar1 and Teofanes A. Patindol ABSTRACT The study was conducted to identify the species of skinks and to determine their distribution and abundance with special reference to elevation along Cantubias Ridge of Mt. Pangasugan. A preliminary survey was done in the two study areas to establish sites that represent the different altitude ranges

Altitudinal distribution of skinks along Cantubias Ridge of Mt. Pangasugan, Baybay, Leyte Read More »

Research Note: Effects of leaf decomposition of selected exotic and native tree species on forest soil quality

Cheryl C. Batistel1,2and Victor B. Asio11 ABSTRACT The study evaluated the effects of incorporation and subsequent decomposition of leaves of exotic tree species (Gmelina arborea, Swietenia macrophylla and Tectona grandis) and native tree species (Pterocarpus indicus, Dipterocarpus validus and Parashorea plicata) on the quality of forest soil. Forty-two pots containing an acidic and clayey forest

Research Note: Effects of leaf decomposition of selected exotic and native tree species on forest soil quality Read More »

Incidence of sweetpotato viruses in Central Luzon, Philippines

Erlinda A. Vaquez1 , Manuel K. Palomar22, Lilibeth B. Laranang3 and Edgardo B. Barsalote1 ABSTRACT Sweetpotato commercial growing areas in Central Luzon particularly Tarlac and Bataan were surveyed for the incidence of sweetpotato viruses. Healthy-looking sweetpotato leaves and those showing symptoms of virus infection were collected and subjected to nitrocellulose membrane-enzyme linked immunoabsorbent serological assay

Incidence of sweetpotato viruses in Central Luzon, Philippines Read More »

In vitro plant regeneration from flower stalk explants of Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Bl

Darlyn B. Posas and Marilyn M. Belarmino ABSTRACT An in vitro method was developed for plant regeneration of Phalaenopsis amabilis variety and hybrid using flower stalk cuttings. Experiments were conducted to overcome persistent contamination of stalks, break bud dormancy and induce regeneration of shoots. Results showed that incorporating 50 mg/l streptomycin in agar-solidified Vacin and

In vitro plant regeneration from flower stalk explants of Phalaenopsis amabilis (L.) Bl Read More »

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