Gracia B. Bajit and Ruben M. Gapasin
The morphological characteristics of sweet potato cultivars which are resistant and susceptible to Sphaceloma batatas Saw. were determined. Susceptible cultivars have thinner cuticle, more stomates in the leaves, and more lenticles in the petioles and stems than resistant cultivars.
The scab pathogen had longer incubation period, lower infection frequency and smaller lesions in resistant than in susceptible cultivars.
Highly significant positive correlation was found between thickness of cuticle and incubation period as well as between number of stomates and lenticels, and infection frequency.
Keywords: Sweet potato. Sphaceloma batatas Saw. Cuticle. Stomates. Lenticels. Incubation period. Infection frequency. Lesion diameter.
Annals of Tropical Research 9(2):(1987)
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