Inheritance of Resistance of Corn to Downy Mildew Caused by Perenosclerospora philippinensis (Weston) Shaw

Othello B. Capuno and Azucena L. Carpena


Evaluation of 36 entries for downy mildew reaction revealed significant differences due to location and genotype components; genotype-environment interaction was also detected. The interactions of general and specific combining ability components with locations were highly significant. The presence of partial or incomplete dominance governing the resistance of corn to downy mildew was detected using the variance/covariance graphic analysis. Estimation of genetic parameter detected major contribution of additive gene action in downy mildew resistance. The average degree of dominance as measured by (H1/D)1/2 was partial. Broad and narrow sense heritability estimates were 45.67 and 39.23%, respectively.

Keywords: Corn. Zea mays: Downy mildew. Perenosclerospora philippinensis. Inheritance. Variance/Covariance analysis. In-complete dominance. Genetic parameters. Broad sense heritability. Narrow sense heritability. General combining ability. Specific combining ability.

Annals of Tropical Research 4(1):(1982)
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